Friday, 17 August 2012


Heyy. we meet again in this bloggie. sorry because im too busy on this past few months with my life. family,friends,love and lotsa life. im rarely online my blogger now. sorry about that. 'life must go on. get a life honey!' like my mum said to me. haha. LOL :D well, years changing, im getting older and life will be more harder than before. so i'll prepare myself for another risks that will come to my life in the future. cannot wasting my time ! haha.

Now, im working with government. As sales advisor and clerk. I love my job. already one year im with this job. well, jobs in malaysia not as good if compare with other countries. were among the best malaysian people works and loyal to government. haha. as you can see, malaysian especially sabahan people is the most strong and intelligent survivor. i live at sabah so i know the priority between us. Like prime minister said, ' People First, Performance Now' . jyeahhh ! swag -

Okay. i think that is enough to bubbling up here dude. haha. well , i hope this HARI RAYA will bring more goodness to me, my family,my friends and life. SELAMAT HARI RAYA , MAAF ZAHIR BATIN FOR TOMORROW :)) HAPPY EID DAY !

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